Let us share our musical passion!
What activity is more fun with 2 or more people involved, usually done indoors but can be done anywhere and at the end leaves the participants slightly breathless and with big smiles?
Making Music with the Invicta Ukulele Club
The Invicta Ukulele Club are proud to announce the first ever Invicta Ukulele Festival raising money for The Pilgrims Hospice Ashford.
It will be taking part on Sunday 27th April and everyone is more than welcome to come along, including wives, lovers, husbands, partners, friends and family etc.
It is free entry and free parking and there will be a fully licensed bar plus food available and an amazing line up of bands (which we will announce in the next few weeks).
So make a date in your diary and we will see you there.
January - 9th, 23rd
February - 6th, 20th,
March - 6th, 20th
April - 3rd, 17th
May - 1st, 15th, 29th
June - 12th, 26th
July - 10th 24th
August - 7th, 21st
September - 4th, 18th
October - 2nd, 16th, 30th
November - 13th, 27th
December - 11th
January - 8th, 22nd
February - 5th, 19th,
March - 5th, 19th
April - 2nd, 16th, 30th
May - 14th, 28th
June - 11th, 25th
July - 9th 23rd
August - 6th, 20th
September - 3rd, 17th
October - 1st, 15th, 29th
November - 12th, 26th
December - 10th
Our club nights are on every other THURSDAY 7.30pm - 9.30pm (see dates above)
The Albion, 2 Albion Place, South Willsborough, Ashford, Kent TN24 0BU
Entry if you are playing is £2.00 or if not its free
We cater for all skill levels from the novice up to the more accomplished player and during our evenings we have breakaway sessions to coach and develop the skills you already have. We often have guest speakers come along and provide interesting talks on all aspects of the "mighty uke" including its music and players. These sometimes include instruction from professional Luther's who will talk us through the design, building and maintenance of your instrument to voice/singing and various performing arts coaching for the budding George Formby's amongst us.
Everybody’s welcome! We always encourage wives, husbands, partners, lovers, friends, family* and work colleagues etc to come along and join us and there is always a spare Uke knocking around should you need it. If you have a Uke sitting in a cupboard or up in the loft somewhere and you have always fancied being able to play it then give us a try. You will have a great time and learn a new skill that will impress and entertain your friends and family for years to come.
* Children under the age of 15 must be accompanied by an adult.